ELA Writing Calendar


Movie Review-Quick Write

HW: none

I was unable to attend the movie last Friday, and am interested to see what you thought about it.  Over the weekend,I began reading the book and am familiar with the events.

  • Your movie review will be done in Google Docs
  • Title your document Movie Review and move it to your STEAM TEAM FOLDER
  • You may want to do a quick search to take a look at some reviews go get ideas of the different ways people organize them
  • You will only have class time today to work on this-use your time wisely!
Start yours with:
  • A thesis statement/opinion-did the movie remind you of something you've experienced, does it reflect something that happening in current events, does it have a message
  • A plot summary (brief- with characters, locations, dates, etc...)
  • Specific details that support your original thesis
  • Any other parts that stood out-music, special effects, lighting, structure, pacing

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